by Cheryl Joor & Kathryn Wallis
Name: Sam (Short for Samuel)
Clan Name : Farhopper
Race: Rabbit Fur
Age: 20
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 130lbs
Eyes: dark brown
Fur: light brown
Role in the Comic:The Mayor's Personal Messenger. . .
Background: Sam is the mayor's personal messenger. He is responsible for bringing messages to Forestcat and gaining the news that she often has of the goings on of the forest. He fell into this service by luck, he just so happened to be hanging about doing nothing when the mayor decided he needed a new messenger as the old one kept getting drunk on wine apples on his way to speak with the Guardian. . .
Attitude: Sam is a nervous rabbit, and often is very jumpy. He is very polite to Forestcat, and constantly bows when in her presence although she's asked him time and time again NOT to. He's a very nice critter, but a bit naive about the ways of the world. He is most always awed when Forestcat tells him something strange or unusual and tends to make a bit of noise whistling whenever he's sitting around waiting for her. . . seemingly uncaring that there might be things out there that *could* eat him.
The Silver Birch Forest
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